World Simulation

World Simulation

This project's objective is to create a dynamic and interactive geographic simulation. In other words, to simulate a live planet and it's geographic features, that can be affected by a client program.

There already exist programs that will deal with various aspects of geography, including, and probably not limited to, topography, weather patterns, and various infrastructure. What this project is interested in is developing a way to tie all these pieces together. For example, a program with information on oceans and ocean currents can be used to affect a program that deals with atmopheric conditions (weather). Both of these programs can then be used to simulate weather and errosion on a land mass.


I'm sure there could be many applications. The two that this project is mainly interested in is scientific research and gaming. The scientific aspect of the project might be limited for various reasons, but is encouraged to promote awareness and compatibility with existing scientific applications that could be relevant to this project, and vice versa. A hint of realism can be nice in a game. :P

One thing that this project should not get tied up with is the graphical representation of the data. There are many other projects that deal with making 3D worlds look impressive. What this project would like to deal with is how things work. We can make it look pretty later.


If you're interested in the project, and are thinking about participating, please, join the Mailing List

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